
Friday, June 4, 2010

18 months old

My baby is 18 months old today. Time flies, I love watching her grow and learn new things, new skills, new words, new ways to get mom to do what she wants lol. I always hear people say how they miss their babies when they were little and how they are sad they are growing up so fast, but I don't really feel that way. I'm excited for every little new thing and milestone, not to say that the other moms don't get excited, I know they do! Maybe it has something to do the rough start she had, and one day I'll tell her story. But not yet, I'm not ready. She is perfect now, she is healthy and growing and developing just as she should and for that I'm eternally grateful. She is the best surprise that I've ever got, and yes she was a surprise, and what a fabulous surprise it turned out to be.
I remember when I thought that I might be pregnant, It was the end of March. I was going to buy a pregnancy test and draw the other line in to play a joke on my husband and tell him that I'm pregnant. I shared these plans of mine with a good friend and she said "well you better first make sure you aren't pregnant" ha! Little did I know! The next few days I kept arguing with David and had non stop headaches, we ended up getting into an argument right before April 1st so I never did the joke. But did buy some tests to pee on because I was suspecting something was off, I wasn't keeping track of my periods but I was pretty sure it was about a week or so late. So the morning of the 3rd I believe I peed on a stick and within seconds the positive line showed up. I freaked a little. I've never taken a pregnancy test before, and when the results line showed up significantly lighter than the test line I thought maybe I wasn't pregnant after all. How silly of me. I googled it and realized that I indeed was knocked up. Next time I had to pee I took another test and once again it came up positive. David was still sleeping, so I put both of the tests on his night stand and took the dog out. I came back in and he was already in the shower and didn't notice the tests. I waited for him in the room, when he got out I didn't say anything. Eventually he came over to his night stand to get something and saw the tests. He said "what's this?" I said something like, what do you think it is. He says "it means you are not pregnant, right?" I said, sure honey. He knew exactly what it meant. He stared at it for a while, then said maybe you should take another one just to be sure, I said I already took 2! But I did buy a pack of 4 so the next day I took the other 2 just because I had them. That same day I got nausea from hell, and since now I knew that I was pregnant I stopped taking excedrin which has been my miracle drug for the awful headaches. I spent that day being sick and miserable. And that was the start of our munchkin's life. And now she is 18 months old. How time flies. She is amazing, I'm so grateful and blessed, I love her to pieces and couldn't imagine life being any different. I'm so glad that test was positive!

I'd add a picture, or a few, but photobucket is being moody right now. So just words, of appreciation for my miracle that is my daughter (it still feels surreal to say that I have a daughter, 18 months later it's still unbelievable). I love you my little Penelope.

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