She is starting to talk more finally, she now says baby, papa, baba, hi, bye, apoom (thank you). And she says these things consistently. I know it's not a lot of words for an 18 months old, but her being spoken to in 3 languages probably causes some confusion. The poor kid probably wonders which language we expect her to talk back to us in haha. I love hearing her say actual words, it's so cute. She is also getting more clever in planning her "no no's". She's figured out if she pulls up the little chair to my parents' tall bed then she can get on. She also always wants to hold her 2 months old cousin, and while cute it's not always helpful. I'm glad that she likes her cousin though because come August we'll be spending every day with our little cousin, because I'll be watching her while my sister goes back to work. I think everyone is questioning whether or not I can handle 2 small kids. I'm pretty confident about it. I love baby wearing and Sophie will only be 4 months when I start to watch her so I know I can wear her easily. I still wear Penni occasionally and have a variety of carriers to help me out with that. I've already converted my big stroller to a double to accommodate both kiddos too. I know there will be rough days and maybe even days when I'll question my own capabilities, but I know I can do it. I've always enjoyed being with children so I'm really not very worried. I'm pretty excited actually. Maybe it'll show my husband that I can handle 2 kids haha.
On a different note it's Father's day in 2 days. David wasn't here for mother's day so I'm glad that we'll at least be able to spend father's day as a family. He is such a good daddy to Penni, he loves her so much. He also talks to her in Polish which I think is pretty cute and funny, and I'm surprised every time that she responds to him or follows what he asks her to do. I always tell him that she has no idea what he is saying to her because he talks funny. He knows I'm kidding, but I still enjoy it. I'm very happy and lucky that he is such a good and attentive daddy, he even woke up early with her this week so I can get some sleep. Now that was fabulous.
I'm trying to get an etsy shop up and running, well I haven't actually started one yet, I'm first trying to make a few things so I can have some inventory right away. I was very excited about it when I first got the idea to do this, but the closer I get to actually doing it I get nervous and intimidated. But today we went to Joan's and I'm excited once again. Every time I go there I think of new and or different things I can make and I get excited. I need to go to Michaels to get some more supplies that Joan's doesn't carry. I really hope that people will like and buy the things I'll make. I also really want to take some classes to get better at sewing. So far I've taught myself, and I'm doing alright but I'm sure there is plenty of things that I don't know about and that will make my life easier. So maybe that's what I'll do with my "income" once (if ever) there is any.
And here are some pics of my big 1.5 year old girl
here she is in an apron I made her, happy as can be and decided that the apron is nose picking worthy lol
She wants so badly to jump but can't figure out quite yet how to make her feet leave the surface that they are on.
she loves her doggy
and she loves eating sorbet on a hot day while sitting on the swing on the patio.
She now has enough hair for a pony tail! Now if I can only figure out a way to get her to let it stay there that would be fantastic!