
Friday, February 21, 2014

Oversupply, a blessing or a struggle? and some "Ruin Your Day with tits"

I produce too much breast milk for one baby, I think my body wishes for twins haha. I produced abundantly with Penni, but it's worse this time around. I'm not trying to complain, I truly am grateful and blessed that I'm able to nourish my baby with my body, as much as she needs it. But oversupply doesn't come without it's own challenges. I tried pumping for a while, I really wanted to donate to moms in need, and I did for a bit but eventually stopped because it was a lot of work. Pumping for 20-30 minutes would yield 2-3oz and my breast would still feel somewhat full. It was rather frustrating, especially since I exclusively pumped for Penni in the beginning without issue. I used a different, supposedly more powerful, pump this time around and maybe that's part of the issue. I don't know. Some of the down sides to oversupply, I leak. Even though Cora is now 10 months old I still leak, especially on the days she doesn't nurse as frequently as is common for her. This is particularly bad when I'm nursing, the other side lets down. Pretty much every time. When in public I usually try to put pressure on the overactive breast, so not only am I the mom nursing my kid in public often, I'm also holding my other boob at the same time. Must be quite a sight. At night she nurses mostly on one side, so I wake up with my shirt pretty wet and sometimes the blanket too. Thankfully clogged ducts aren't a problem this time around, in 9 months only had it once and it was mild. I do wish that my body would catch on to what Cora actually needs and adjust the supply, but I'm not willing to do anything to help the process out of fear of loosing the supply. So I'll deal, and Cora will enjoy the abundance of milk.
And just because this is awesome and funny, Ruin your day with tits...