In the past 2 months (I can't believe it's been that long!)we went to LA for a week, I had a birthday and got a whole year older, and started working. LA trip was fun there is a pretty big yard so Penni was able to run around there, we set up a little pool for her since it was pretty hot and she splashed around in that thing every day I think. She also got to spend some time with her other grandpa whom she rarely sees so that was nice.
Here she is playing in her pool
She thought it was histerical to dump buckets of water on the dog, and poor Maple would run as if fire was chasing her haha.
And much of the day was spent in the nude, it was just too warm for clothes I guess :)
(no one other than the cute baby was nude I promise!)
Another new development is I can now put pig tails in her hair! and she actually keeps them in, more or less. I try to distract her so that she forgets they are there. But they are so cute and she looks so much more grown up with them.
Little sister turned 12 and we had a small party to celebrate, Penni and Sophie wore matching dresses and looked so cute. Penni also recently got a baby doll stroller, but as it turns out Sophie fits in it quite well too so we had some fun with that.
We were at a consignment shop a few weeks ago and they had the cutest red cowgirl boots for baby! so I put them on Penni, she didn't like them much but I got a blurry pic to show just how cute they were
One sunday morning we went to the mall and I introduced Penni to the deliciousness of fresh pretzels, I think she liked it.
Maybe I'm too eager for her to grow up or I don't know, but I'm always looking forward to the next stage and being able to do this or that with her. I wanted to get her a trycicle when she first started walking, and with some left over franklingoose credits I was able to finally get her one, it's still a bit big and she doesn't reach the pedals very well but soon enough I'm sure she'll be all over the place with it.
Alright I think I've gotten mostly caught up, and now I relatively long list of custom hats to make so I'm gonna go get on that. I leave you with a picture of the 2 babies aka work :)