My baby is 1! How did that happen!? I can't believe how insanely quickly this year has flown by. Somehow I'm a mother for a 5 year old and a 1 year old. Wow.
Stats, she is 21 pounds and 31 inches long. Wearing size 18 months for the most part. Refusing to walk but crawls and mowgli crawls and lightning speeds! She has 6 teeth, 2 bottom front, 2 top front, 1 eye tooth and 1 random molar. They don't seem to come in any kind of order haha.
We are still exclusively bed sharing with no plans to change that. When she does start sleeping through the night, whenever it may be, we will probably try to have the girls share a bed. Penni is so far excited at the prospect of sleeping with her sister, we'll see if she still excited by the time Cora is ready. Still breastfeeding, tons. Although she did finally start eating solids a few weeks ago, we are now giving her grains too and she seems to love it! Still doing baby led weaning, I do help her with yogurt and apple sauce but other than those 2 she pretty much feeds herself all the time, making giant messes of course. Still cloth diapering, still baby wearing, still rear facing in her car seat. She's also still never had a bottle, and at this point if need be I'd just pump and put that into a sippy cup. Have I mentioned that I can't believe she is already 1!? Sigh.
She is quite the character, plays peekaboo all the time, makes silly faces to get a reaction, unplugs any and all cords/night lights she can get her hands on. Unloads any and all cabinets/drawers she can before getting caught. Waves franticly when someone is leaving, squeals when someone comes over, and gives open mouth kisses at her discretion. She started signing "milk" this week so that's been exciting, sometimes she'll sign "all done"as well.
A few pics from the day of her actual birthday, her party is this weekend.