Her birthday fell on a saturday this year so we had her party on her actual birthday. She had a blast! Last year she was still too little to understand that it was all about and for her, but this year she knew. Oh boy did she know. She did what she wanted and we let her, it was her day. No time outs, no scoldings, no veggies. She loved the part when she would open a present and everyone would clap for her, she would tear into a present and without even getting a good look at it just drop it and start clapping for herself and get everyone else going. It was the funniest and cutest thing, everyone was rolling with laughter. She learned how to say "two" and now says it all the time, and can hold up 2 fingers (sort of) to show that she really is 2. Her birthday was Dr. Seuss theme since that's the only thing she cares about, well more specifically it's the ABC book by Dr. Seuss that she cares about. I got her a cute dress off of Etsy and made her a little cat in the hat type hair pin and she looked adorable, although the hair pin didn't stay in long. She got so into tearing all the presents open that she now thinks anything that's wrapped is there for her to unwrap. Should be interesting once we start setting out the Christmas presents. We might just have to keep those hidden till Christmas. Here are some pics from her party...
Here is her cute outfit
and the hair pin
and off it goes
posing with her auntie
with auntie, grandma, and baby cousin
All the babies dressed in Dr. Seuss outfits :)
tearing into the presents
and clapping for herself lol
needed a bit of help blowing out the candles
and that's the face of a 2 year old ladies and gentlemen
I'm not going to bother with pics of the cake because it was ugly. I wanted to make it red and white striped and put ABCs all over the sides, and write Penelope is 2 on top. Well I've also read all this stuff recently about how evil and cancer causing food dyes are, son in attempts to avoid using them I went to whole foods and found some natural ones. I had a haunting thought in the back of my mind that they will probably be pastels at best but the label said "red, blue, yellow" I thought great! What do you know it, they sucked! it took half the little bottle of "red" dye to get pink. arghhh, one of the most disappointing things ever. And they cost quite a bit too! I ended up just leaving the cake white and wrote on it "Penni is 2!" it was ugly. The whole night I kept thinking about it, and I just wanted to make some fondant dye it with horrible artificial food dyes and cover the whole darn thing. David didn't let me. He said it wasn't that bad and we spent all that money on the natural dyes, bla bla bla. Oh well. Penni didn't seem to realize that the cake was there for eating, she was so busy playing with all of her new toys. Moral of the story is that unfortunately there are no natural dyes. booooo
As far as 2 year olds go. It's true that the 2s are terrible haha. But although it seems that someone took my sweet, happy to follow commands baby and replaced her with a defiant toddler, we still love her and will keep her. Some day she'll cooperate again. For now the answer to everything is "no", and yeah even if she means yes, she'll still say no. So you never really know. She spends quite a bit of time in time outs these days, some days I fell that maybe it'd be easier to just put her in time out for the whole day and let her come out few mins at a time. Ok I'm kidding, but sometimes it gets rough. But she always wants to give you a hug and a kiss when she is coming out of time out and it's sweet. She is potty learning and doing pretty good with it. I'm not training her (I don't really believe in training babies anything, but that's another post) I'm just letting her do what she wants and I guide her and encourage her. I've noticed that when I try to put her on the potty she refuses but will come back a minute later and ask to go haha. Oh those toddlers, they want to control everything. I bought a foldable toilet seat and am going to try taking her out without a diaper. I'm a bit worried, but I guess we gotta start doing that at some point.
This post is getting long and I'm rambling, so good night and I will attempt to update this thing more often.
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