We have finally moved into our own place, Penni now has her own room that she loves. After being in the same room with us for 2.5 years I thought she might have a rough time transitioning to her own space, but she did wonderful. I'm realizing that she is a pretty easy going kid when it comes to kid and adjustment. I think part of it is because we've always followed her lead, we let her adapt to changes slowly and never forced anything on her. I'm very proud of the independent little girl she is becoming. She turned 3 the other day, it's hard to believe that it's been 3 years since she's joined our family. She is now talking in long full and almost dramatically correct sentences. Strangers are understanding her better and that makes me feel really good, and of course proud. The day after she turned 3 some switch went off and now she wants to do EVERYTHING by herself, she screams at me "do it self! mama" it makes me laugh most of the time, but there are things like buckling herself into her carseat that I don't feel she can do herself safely just yet, so we are working on finding a balance with this "do it self" thing.
This year she is really into Christmas decorations and Christmas trees, we really need to get one, hopefully in the next few days we will. She gets so excited when she sees a house that's nicely decorated with a lot of lights, and any trees that has lights on it is a "christmas tree", it's pretty cute. We put up some lights on our windows yesterday and she says that they are "Penni's lights" of course they are darling.
She is really into Thomas and friends lately, we even had a Thomas themed birthday party for her (that she talked about months in advance). In the summer we went for a "day out with Thomas" in Santa Cruz, it was pretty awesome. At first Penni was terrified of the big loud trains, but she quickly got over and had a blast. Can't wait to go again next summer, well this summer actually I guess.
That's pretty much what our munchkin has been up to. As for me I'm busy with my shop, working mostly on custom orders and loving it. I did another fundraiser this fall, last year I did one for Leukemia and other blood cancers, this year it was for Histio disorders. Looking forward to helping another cause in the new year. I've also become more involved in the intactivist community so you might see a circumcision post from me in the future.
Not many pics, I got a new laptop and not much on here yet, here is a few from Halloween, she was Olivia the pig
She is trying to show off the spider tattoo she got on her hand
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