We expected it to be windy and cold so we left the sand toys in the car not expecting to be able to play on the beach much. Well it ended up being lovely, but the car was far enough where we didn't want to go back to it for the toys. Penni didn't seem to care and frolicked in the ocean, got completely soaked and had a blast!
Cora played in the sand, ate some sand, kept offering Penni her sun glasses haha.
Eventually I took her to the water's edge and put her feet in the water, when we did that with Penni around the same age she started crying and wanted nothing to do with the cold ocean water. Well Cora didn't mind at all! She actually kept trying to wiggle out of my grip and crawl straight into the ocean, my little risk taker.
Went out to eat at one of our favorite places downtown, Rosie McCann's, that place just always serves up yummy food. It's technically a pub and I don't think they have any high chairs, so Cora hung out on the bench. Little opportunist took advantage of having full range of motion kept swiping handfuls of food from our plates even though we kept giving her food.
It was a lovely day, and to finish it up right we had to get some ice cream at Penny Ice creamery, Penni thought that was great! She approves of the ice cream as well.
On Sunday we all had a family gathering at my parents' house. Cora's favorite activity of the day was climbing the stairs. Repeatedly.
And some cake love for all the wonderful mamas, I hope every mom felt special and had a good day :)
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