It's still weird to pause and think, I have 2 kids! Crazy. I don't even feel like I'm in my 30's, that is until I hang out with people in their 20's then I definitely feel like I'm in my 30's. But that's irrelevant to the fact that I have two kids! Penni finally has a sister. When I was pregnant the whole time she insisted it was a girl. We didn't find out the gender, didn't want to. But Penni really wanted a sister, or maybe she just knew, and kept telling everyone that she is going to have a baby sister. I remember one evening late in my pregnancy we were talking and she was chattering away about her baby sister and I said, what if it's a baby brother? She paused for a moment and said, but it's a baby sister! I laughed and asked her, but if it's a brother we are going to love him anyway, right? She said, no. I knew through my entire pregnancy that baby was a girl too, but of course intuition isn't 100% guaranteed, and I enjoyed the suspense of not knowing. So when Cora was born I think we were all a little glad for another girl, knowing Penni would accept her. Joking of course, sort of. Penni wasn't here for the birth, so when she came home the morning after it was pretty cute seeing her meet her baby sister for the first time. She was so gentle and her eyes sparkled. Not a hint of jealousy just pure excitement and love.
The first meeting
This was the following morning, Cora's 3rd day earth side. Penni ran to our room as soon as she woke up and wanted to hold her sister, she then rocked her gently and sang "twinkle twinkle little star" to her. I think my heart melted and there may have been tears. Nothing but love.
Cora is a week old here
One of my favorites, almost 2 weeks old
I think this was on Mother's Day
After this I decided I needed to put Cora in a carrier on Penni, so first this happened
and then this
Around 3-4 months Cora started to really notice and pay attention to Penni, watching them interact is pretty awesome and often entertaining.
Can't wait to watch their relationship grow.
Aw! I just love sibling pictures!